Maron Law Group Blog

Maron Law Group Blog2024-04-02T19:57:20-04:00

Does Child Support End Automatically in South Carolina?

Does Child Support End Automatically When My Child Turns 18? Parents that pay child support are often counting down the days when they no longer have to pay child support. A divorce decree always says when child support ends. But a lot of parents don’t know that there are sometimes extra steps you have to take to end child support. Some states automatically stop child support payments. Other states make [...]

Who Gets the House In a Divorce?

Who gets the house in a divorce? Who gets the house in a divorce? Oftentimes, a house is the most valuable asset a couple owns. In this article, attorney Meredith Lehmann will discuss which spouse can keep the house and what rights the other spouse has in the house. What can happen to a house in a divorce? Just like with any asset, each spouse is entitled to an "equitable [...]

Do I Have Grandparent Visitation Rights in SC?

Do I have Grandparent Visitation Rights in South Carolina? Grandparent visitation is a growing issue in today's society. Sometimes a parent refuses to allow a grandparent to visit a grandchild. Other times, grandparents fear their grandchild is not in a safe living environment. They might want to intervene and seek custody of the grandchildren. Many grandparents want to know what legal rights they have to their grandchildren. Do grandparents have [...]

Getting a Name Change in South Carolina

How To Do A Name Change in South Carolina There are many reasons why people want to change their name. Many people change their last name when they get married. Others want to change their last name after a divorce. And, some people want to change their name to fit their gender identity. If you get married and want to change your name, then it’s a pretty simple procedure. You [...]

Where Do I File For Divorce in South Carolina?

Where do I file for Divorce in SC? If you want to file for divorce in South Carolina, one of the first questions you ask yourself is which courthouse should you file? Most of the time, this is very easy. If both you and your spouse live in Columbia, SC, then you should file in Columbia. But from our experience, couples don't always file for divorce right away. One spouse [...]

Social Media During a Divorce: 5 Things To Know

Using social media during a divorce can seem like an outlet in a difficult time. You can use it to redefine who you are with your spouse out of the picture. But social media can be fatal to your case if you’re not careful. Recent studies show that social media causes many marriages to break down. It causes trust issues between spouses. It can also be used against your during [...]

Do I Need a Divorce Lawyer in South Carolina?

Do I Need a Divorce Lawyer in South Carolina? Sometimes, people think they don't need a divorce lawyer to get a divorce in South Carolina. Let's say a couple is ready to get divorced. They already agree the marriage should end, so in theory it should be simple. Why waste money on a lawyer for an uncontested divorce? Because what seems simple in the beginning can become very complicated. Even [...]

Divorce While Pregnant: What to Expect

 Can I get a divorce while pregnant?   Getting a divorce while pregnant happens more often than you'd think. A couple is ready to get a divorce. They separate and file for divorce. But either before or during the divorce proceeding, the wife learns she’s pregnant.   The biology doesn't need an explanation. Sometimes the child's father is the wife's husband. Sometimes it's not. In our experience, father of the [...]

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